
Content Courtesy of the Forever Young Podcast with Christiana Egi and Cherrie-Marie Chiu.

Have you ever wondered why people cry while laughing? There’s actually no known reason, but there are a couple of theories out there as to why this happens. Some people think people cry while laughing because there’s much pressure placed around the tear ducts from the physical motion of laughing. Others say it’s because both emotions are controlled by the same part of the brain. I personally just go with the common explanation, that they are tears of joy. Laughter is contagious and a wonderful thing to share with others. Laughter can help brighten one’s day and make others around you feel good as well!


Laughter is exhilarating, joyful, enjoyable and relaxing! I love laughing. Have you been told by people that they can “hear your smile” over the telephone? Human beings can differentiate vocal intonation not only between a smile and a non-smile but among different types of smiles. Laughter is universal. It can bring people together around the world in any language. In fact, you don’t need to understand Thai to enjoy a laugh with someone from Thailand! That in itself proves the power of laughter.

Laughter is also another way of keeping our bodies and minds young because you’re never too old to become younger! It is well known that when you smile it improves your mood and therefore the attitude in which you face everyday situations. Laughter allows us to feel peace, help build our immune system and burn calories!

There are long-term effects of laughter on our bodies as well. Laughter isn’t just a quick pick-me-upper, right? There is evidence that laughter has a long-term effect on our immune system, on being able to relieve pain, it increases our personal satisfaction and even improves our mood. It sounds crazy, but, positive thoughts can actually release neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more-serious illnesses. (And in case you were wondering - Neuropeptides are nerve chemicals and they link perception in the brain to the body and emotions.) Laughter is absolutely the best medicine. Laughter helps to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, releases the happy hormone serotonin, which can help improve the mood of individuals with Anxiety and depression, decreases pain, and reduces stress, Research has shown that Laughter decreases the 3 stress hormones -Cortisol, Epinephrine and Adrenaline.


So laughter will stimulate many organs. Because laughter makes you take in more oxygen-rich air, it can stimulate your heart, lungs and muscles, AND – this is the part that makes you feel good, laughter increases the endorphins that are released by your brain. Secondly, laughter will activate and relieve your stress response. A real hearty laugh will fire up and then cools down your stress response. This can also increase and then decrease your heart rate and blood pressure. The amazing result? A good, relaxed feeling.

Please share the joy of laughter with your family and friends this week, after all, it’s free! Laugh and the world laugh with you, right?

The Forever Young podcast is created and produced by Christiana and Cherrie Marie Chiu. Produced and engineered by Elisse Hill. The podcast represents our opinions and those of our guests. The content should not be taken as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. Please consult your health care professional for any medical questions. If you like our show, please tell your friends and leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts. New episodes are available every other Wednesday. Have questions? Email us at


The Season of Joy

