Christmas 2022: A Year in Review
Content Courtesy of the Forever Young Podcast with Christiana Egi and Cherrie-Marie Chiu.
As 2022 comes to a close, the Forever Young podcast reviewed some of our best moments of 2022 as well as the things we are most grateful for this year! Listen to the full episode below or continue reading to find out more about some of the best moments of 2022.
The one thing we are grateful for in 2022 is the end of the COVID-19 lockdown! While we continue to take measures to be as safe as possible, this year we finally got to experience restaurants, bars, malls, and many other public spaces open up in Canada. Maybe some of us even got to travel and enjoy a summer vacation after almost 2 years! We know the pandemic was hard on many of us, and we are glad that this year had more opportunities for socializing and experiencing new things.
Let’s talk about the Forever Young podcast! We have had an amazing run this year with many special guests. We discussed many different topics such as continuing our discussion on ways to stay forever young, but also dealing with burnout, stress and also dealing with grief, and dealing with the loss of loved ones.
[content courtesy of @christiana.egi on Instagram.]
Christiana Egi released Unmasking Grandpa, which is the second book of her children's book series. Christiana continues to raise awareness and chat more about dementia, one of the most misunderstood diseases. We are fortunate to celebrate with Christiana in reaching yet another milestone in her authoring journey! Stay tuned for Christiana’s third book Dancing with Memories: A Journey Through Mixed Dementia where she continues the discussion on dementia, particularly mixed dementia. You can follow Christiana’s authoring journey on her Instagram here.
We are also thankful for the amazing year we have had with ALS Double Play this year. In 2022, we finally got back to all in-person gatherings, and it was great to see our community come together again.
[content courtesy of @ALSDoublePlay on Instagram.]
It takes alot to plan and execute these events and we are incredibly proud of Cherrie, her mother, and her team for the hard work, wisdom, and creativity that was put in this year. Continue to support ALS double play by following their latest events on their website or Instagram at @ALSdoubleplay.
We have discussed many harder topics this year, such as burnout, and dealing with grief and stress. This has given us the opportunity to open up conversations but also has helped bring us together as a community.
The Forever Young podcast has also discussed many ways to overcome these issues which is important to talk about. We hope the podcast has allowed our listeners to overcome their struggles and also feel less alone in their journey.
We also had fun podcasts like when we discussed Dancing for Health and how it impacts our mental health positively, by increasing the production of serotonin and it also improves stress levels. We discussed dancing increases muscle and bone mass which ultimately improves your cardiovascular health. What a great way to make your workouts more fun!
We hope our readers and listeners have a Merry Christmas, a happy Hannukah, and enjoy the holiday season and as well as the last few days of 2022. We hope 2023 brings us more joy, happiness, and love. We hope you all have a blessed season and a happy 2023!
The Forever Young podcast was created and produced by Christiana Egi and Cherrie Marie Chiu. Produced and engineered by Elisse Hill. The podcast represents our opinions and those of our guests. The content should not be taken as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions. If you like our show, please tell your friends and leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts. New episodes are available every other Wednesday. Have questions? Email us at