
Content Courtesy of the Forever Young Podcast with Christiana Egi and Cherrie-Marie Chiu.

Are you a naturally curious person? On the recent episode of Forever Young Podcast, we discussed what being a curious person looks like and how to cultivate curiosity in our daily lives in order to stay youthful. Curiosity is a key factor in allowing your body and mind to stay young. Curiosity fosters the need to learn, which leads to purpose, which leads to fun, relaxation, enjoyable, and stimulating activities. Listen to the full episode below or keep reading to find out ways to become more curious!

Curiosity is said to be the engine that drives human progress. It fuels our desire to learn, explore, and understand the world around us. Being curious about why things work the way they work keeps our minds engaged and active, which leads to a continuous cycle of growth and development.

Curiosity triggers a lot of positive behaviors. Curiosity encourages us to question the status quo and seek new experiences. It helps us to maintain a sense of wonder openness and possibilities, which is essential for staying young at heart. A new experience helps us to stay full of anticipation and excitement. For example, one of the best parts of a vacation is the anticipation and looking forward to what you can possibly do and the new experiences that you will have. If you ask a more seasoned person in life about their youth or what is important to them, they light up when telling you a story that fills them with anticipation. They no longer feel pain in their body when discussing their positive memories and therefore a curious mind can help us stay young!

Activities as simple as dancing, hiking, cooking or even writing a book can help allow you to be more curious. Staying Young involves keeping our minds sharp, we can actively seek knowledge, challenge assumptions, and engage in critical thinking. It can also improve our memory retention and boost creativity. It does take a good mental workout to pay attention, engage in conversation to learn new skills and improve your memory.

As human beings, we have to keep learning as it keeps our minds active and therefore brings us a sense of purpose. This is why many people get depressed or sick after retirement, especially if they dedicate more of their time towards their career as opposed to their personal life. Being curious helps us look forward to new experiences which ultimately gives us purpose.

Let's talk about what we can do to foster curiosity in our lives.

We encourage our listeners and readers to commit to stepping outside their comfort zone to try something new. While you are in this process, you can get an accountability partner as it will help to have a supporter to encourage you as you expose yourself to new things and new experiences. Summertime is a great time to get curious and plan a vacation or road trip nearby.

Another way to stay curious is to actively ask questions when you are not sure. Reading is an effective way to do research and find information on ideas you may be interested in. Curiosity as mentioned, can lead to purpose which can be satisfying and overall fun! The internet is also a very easy and accessible way to ask questions and learn more out more or less anything!

If you are a reader, try to read a genre you do not always pick up. This is a very simple way to become more curious and learn more about something new. Audiobooks are also a far more convenient method of receiving information. You can weed your garden while listening to a book, it can make time pass quickly and it is also a productive way to spend your time.

Curiosity can lead to hobbies or even a new career for many people. For some their purpose may be in being curious about what makes them happy, for some it may be by making others happy. When you think on a bigger scale, when you are curious about a larger scale, and moving towards whatever you can do yourself to make the entire world better. It is okay to be comfortable with what you know, but being curious helps make life fun and more worthwhile.

In whichever way it may apply to you, curiosity plays a key role in every person's life. Our careers, personal relationships, hobbies, and interests are all driven by a curious mind. While it may feel comfortable to be in the same position, it is always good to challenge yourself and have an open mind.

The Forever Young podcast was created and produced by Christiana Egi and Cherrie Marie Chiu. Produced and engineered by Elisse Hill. The podcast represents our opinions and those of our guests. The content should not be taken as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions. If you like our show, please tell your friends and leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts. New episodes are available every other Wednesday. Have questions? Email us at


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