Skin Health: How to Look Forever Young

We hope our readers are enjoying the gorgeous hazy summer weather, as well as the lifting of most COVID restrictions for the general public. While we enjoy the hot summer weather during the next few months, skin health is a topic we could all benefit from learning more about. On last week's Forever Young podcast we discussed Skin Health and how to look forever young. You can listen to the full episode below: 

There is a lot more to skin health than wearing sunscreen, although sunscreen is very very important! Did you know the skin microbiome? Just like the gut, our skin has its own microbiome. This is a network of friendly microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and viruses that work to protect us against germs, reduce inflammation and also boost our immunity. There is still a lot of research being conducted on the skin microbiome and we are still learning about it. However, this shows how important our skin is to our bodies and overall health. 

Our skin is the largest organ in our body. Skin, hair, nails, sweat, and oil glands comprise of the integumentary system. Our skin is basically our body's protection. This is why our skin is so important and we must take good care of it. The skincare industry is vast and is working hard to keep our skin healthy and young.

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the United States. Most skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to UV rays or sunlight. While some skin cancers are relatively harmless, there are some that are dangerous and can lead to the loss of lives. Being more conscious of preventing your skin from sun damage by wearing SPF and avoiding direct sunlight exposure is the easiest way to prevent any form of skin cancer. Wearing hats and sunglasses can also help avoid sun damage. 

The foundation of healthy and younger-looking skin goes deeper than the subcutaneous layer of skin, which is the inside layer of skin. Diet and lifestyle choices are key to having healthy skin. The skin renews every 14 days in babies, and about every 28 days in teenagers and as well as for young adults. The older you get it may take up from 42 to 82 days for your body to renew its skin. 

It might be shocking to see how quickly some people might age, and how slowly other people might age. Stress, drinking, and smoking, heavy consumption of junk food may also make people tend to age faster. A key to healthy skin is taking care of your body from within and allowing yourself to take up healthy habits that will nourish your body.

Let's talk about food. Everything has to do with our gut health pile. What kind of foods is good for our health and skin health? Healthy fats are very important for our skin health. Omega 3 fatty acids help in preventing fine lines and wrinkles and have also proven to reduce inflammation. Some examples of healthy fats include nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, and coconut oil.

Another important food group is proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of life as every cell in the human body is made of protein. The amino acid in protein helps repair cells and make new ones. Some examples of protein are fish (which is also a healthy fat), eggs, chicken, turkey, and oysters. Oysters contain zinc, which is very effective against aging skin and dry skin, and isalso anti-inflammatory.

Antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables also play a very significant role in the maintenance of our healthy skin. Antioxidants neutralize harmful cells in our body, and they also inhibit the production of new cells. Some examples of antioxidant-rich foods are blueberries, raspberries, pomegranates, and tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which has proven to prevent sunburn and skin cancer. 

Water is also a great source of a happy and healthy glow. Water is really good for our bodies, especially our liver, which is the largest detox organ in the body. 

There is much evidence on the importance of hydration in the summer. Always plan to leave your house with a bottle of water, as you may never know when you may need it. You can also circle back to our podcast on Water where we discuss the importance of water to our bodies and overall health.

Cocoa also improves the structure and function of our skin. Scientists have discovered that cocoa flavanols decreased roughness and scaling on the skin, increased skin hydration, and as well as help support our skin's defense

against UV rays.

Another key aspect of healthy skin is keeping it moisturized. Have you heard about taking shorter showers and using less hot water? Or maybe that excessive washing can also strip away the protective oil layer on our skin which can make the skin drier? This is why moisturizing your skin is important. Some may say to moisturize your body while it is still wet out of the shower, and some may choose to moisturize after their body is dry. Find what suits your skin best and allow your body to become softer, smoother, and healthier. 

While there are many ways to keep our skin healthy, getting adequate sleep is also a very important way to healthier skin. Research has shown that sleep quality may have a significant impact on skin function in aging. Poor sleepers may have increased signs of premature skin aging and a decreased ability for their skin to repair itself at night from environmental stressors such as sun exposure.

On top of wearing your SPF and wearing sun-protective gear, try incorporating some of these habits to see how your skin can improve! We hope our listeners and readers enjoy the rest of the Summer season and continue to protect ourselves against sun damage by being proactive, staying hydrated, and taking care of ourselves! Check out the Forever Young podcast on Instagram @ourforeveryoungpodcast and check out new episodes coming out every other Wednesday.

The Forever Young podcast is created and produced by Christiana Egi and Cherrie Marie Chiu. Produced and engineered by Elisse Hill. The podcast represents our opinions and those of our guests. The content should not be taken as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. Please consult your health care professional for any medical questions. If you like our show, please tell your friends and leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts. New episodes are available every other Wednesday. Have questions? Email us at


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